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Showing our creative side

Published on Wednesday, December 27, 2023

By: Lakshmi N Kurnutala M.D., M.Sc.

As part of our wellness initiative, we encourage anesthesia faculty, CRNAs, residents, anesthesia technicians, and administrative staff to submit their illustrative artwork (paintings with descriptions), music interests (with narrative and photos), photography (with comments), poetry, or small narratives (less than 1 page).

We know that we have an excellent team to provide the best possible anesthesia care for patients in the state of Mississippi through UMMC. Anesthesia is our profession, but we want to share your passion for bringing a little joy and improving our wellness.

We are a great team as professionals, but our passion (art, music, dance, poetry, photography, etc.) sometimes needs to be more restrained/stopped because of our busy schedules. We want to show the world what we love other than providing the best patient care. As human beings, we don't need to give up one for another; balancing our professional and personal life is very important to improve our wellness.

Hess Robertson, M.D.
I have built things my entire life. My father taught high school shop class growing up so I have always been good with my hands and known how to build and fix things. During residency, I decided to build a boat in the little free time that I had. This boat is a heavily modified Sam Devlin design built with the stitch and glue technique. It is constructed with marine-grade plywood and epoxy resin. There are no structural screws or nails in the entire boat. It took me approximately 400 hours to build over the course of nine months. This is a multi-use; I have duck hunted, catfished, ran crab traps and caught redfish and speckled trout out of it as well!

Front of the boat  Back of the Boat

Boat at sunset

Sara Robertson, M.D.
I have always loved to paint and draw for as long as I can remember. I love being crafty! During high school, I worked at the Olde Tyme Commissary which at the time was located in Highland Village. Along with several others, I painted Easter eggs, Christmas ornaments, and names on lots of different toys and other collectables. I love to scrapbook as I feel like memories are meant to be saved and remembered! Our little girl Lucy loves the little mermaid but occasionally needs some time to reflect on her threenager actions so I decided to break the paint out again to make her a time out chair! I would like to think that her behavior has gotten a tad bit better since I painted her this chair, but I believe that is wishful thinking (it gets used a lot!). Regardless, it allowed me to slow down and remember how much I enjoy picking up a brush every now and again.

 Time Out Chair Front  Time Out Chair Back